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Who We Are

Fiercely Curious is an online art & design collective based in Brooklyn.

We believe in connecting directly with the artists and designers.

Car 02
Car 02
Car 02
Car 02
Car 02
by Dan Wonderly


"There is something comforting about the way that weathered objects interact with light.  I think that was one of the attractions to starting this “Cars” project. The way these small, cracking, toys have managed - over a myriad of years - to end up on eBay and onto my set is fascinating.  Once there, it has taken me a number of years and variations of approach to juxtapose and place them in settings that feel interesting enough to commit to making an image out of. At the end of the day, “Cars” represent some semblance of youth — and our fascination with holding onto it, capturing it, and altering it." - Dan Wonderly

Edition of 20 (per size).

More Art by Dan Wonderly

Dan Wonderly
About Dan Wonderly
Born in Bogota and raised in Indiana, DUMBO- based artist Dan Wonderly has been living and working in Brooklyn for nearly eight years, specializing in fine art portrait and still photography. Finding the unnoticed, the overlooked, the easily missed minutia drives his desire to communicate from behind the camera.
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