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Who We Are

Fiercely Curious is an online art & design collective based in Brooklyn.

We believe in connecting directly with the artists and designers.

by Susan Weinthaler

Size: custom

Material: Magnetic bits with steel canvas


Susan Weinthaler's distinct and original work uses small three dimensional structures with strong magnetic backings called Bits.

These hand crafted Bits can be grouped together on a steel canvas where you, the viewer, have the ability to manipulate, rearrange and reconfigure the pieces in limitless ways. As the Bits are meant to be touched, Susan has sanded, coated, painted and polished each surface with protective finishes for these pieces to last. 

Merge currently lives in a corporate collection at Westin, St. Francis in San Francisco, CA.

Materials: hardwoods, photography, paint, magnets, hardware, steel

The Bits can also be made to order, if you are interested in discussing a piece with Susan, get in touch with us at

More Art by Susan Weinthaler

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Ian Trask
About Ian Trask
Ian’s visual art has been displayed in the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Recession Art, the Wassaic Project, Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, Bushwick Open Studios and DUMBO Arts Festival to name a few. In 2007 he took a temporary job as a hospital groundskeeper; a job which helped define his approach to artwork and the creative process. He sees the artistic potential of waste, making us consider the mark that we inevitably leave behind. He currently works at the Invisible Dog Studios in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.
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